Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do i get free laptops online with none of those things that always make you fill out yes or no for other?

with none of those things that always make you fill out yes or no for other things!

You don’t. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, or a free laptop for that matter. All of those supposed “free laptop/iPod/360″ give away things only exist because they make money from advertising. All of them that iver ever seen also require you to sign up for “offers” that cost more immediatly or over time then the laptop itself would.

The only way I know of where you can get free laptops is from a site that gives you free stuff for completing offers. Is that what you were talking about with the “fill out yes or no” things? The site im referring to doesnt make you fill out those things but you do have to either refer friends (my favorite) or complete offers yourself. A lot of offers are free or require only shipping and handling charges.

From this site you do one of the 2 things i mentioned above and then you can pick whatever you want from the internet and the company will buy it and then ship it to you free. Its pretty cool.

I already received a printer and some shoes from this site.

Hope this helps with what you’re looking for.

There’s a ton of catches… it’s not easy to actually get the free laptop. I’ve completed a similar site once before for an Ipod. And I actually did get it!!

So after filling out all those yes/no questions. they will ask you to complete a number of offers. Most of the time it’s trial products that are rather gimmicky… now the catch is most of those trial products are free to try, and you get charged if you don’t cancel/return the trial/etc. So you can easily get caught spending money.

Now say you actually complete these offers… many times in order to get the free laptop you then have to refer a number of other people to this sign up site and they too have to complete these offers…
Essentially, you have to find people to sign up for a bunch of crap as well. Once you complete all these pieces of criteria you might get your laptop. Often many of these companies disappear before any prizes are even dispersed. there are a few out there that are reputable though.

Good luck, it isn’t easy (and a laptop will have a lot more requirements then say a $ 250 ipod)

go here to this link and no one else’s sign up complete an offer and post this link and yours everywhere!

and new toshiba tablet

toshiba tablet pen get Suggest me on topics of

1. Marketing
2. Supply Chain
3. What tactics should be sused to boost sales

Hi ,

All you have to do is contact ebay and carry their


u can consider yahoo auction and, both are for free !

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